Parking Policy

Parking Lot

  • The parking lot at MakerLabs is reserved for members using the facilities.

  • Overnight parking and walk-offs in the MakerLabs' parking lot is not permitted.

  • Members who use the parking lot are asked to register their license plate number, make and colour of their car with MakerLabs. They can do this over email to or by coming to the front desk.

  • Visitors using MakerLabs facilities must check-in and register their license plate number with the front desk.

  • Leaving car shares (eg. Evo, Car2Go, etc) are not permitted in the parking lot (with the exception of the Modo van.)

  • From time to time, the parking lot may be reserved for events at the exclusion of members and customers. These incidents will be announced via flyers around MakerLabs and through social media channels.

  • Note that there is unrestricted street parking on Hawks and East Cordova.


Vehicles in MakerLabs' parking lot may be moved or towed without notice. Prior to towing we will attempt to reach you (if we know the owner of the car) through our email/phone number on file

Bicycle Parking

  • The indoor and outdoor bicycle racks are reserved for members using the facilities.

  • Overnight storage and walk-offs are not permitted.

  • Bicycles on MakerLabs bicycle racks that have not been moved for more than 24 hours may be removed without notice.