MakerLabs Code of Conduct

Members, users and guests are expected to behave according to the Makerlabs Code of Conduct. This code is intended to ensure all parties are respected and able to work in a safe environment. Violations may result in refusal of service and/or membership cancellation.

1.) Respect People

      • No member/user shall otherwise assault another person, threaten any other person with bodily harm, or cause any other person to fear bodily harm.

      • No member/user shall assault another person sexually, or threaten any other person with sexual assault or commit an act of sexual harassment toward another person. This includes sexually-oriented remarks or behaviour by a person who knows or ought reasonably to know that such remarks or behaviour may create a negative psychological or emotional environment for others. Such remarks or behaviour may include, but are not limited to, suggestive and/or derogatory comments, sounds or gestures emphasizing sex or sexual orientation; suggestive staring; inappropriate displays or distribution of sexually suggestive pictures, objects, writing or graffiti, including electronic and hard copy forms; persistent unwanted contact after the end of a consensual relationship; unnecessary or unwanted physical contact of a sexual nature such as patting, touching, pinching or brushing against; and sexual assault.

      • No member/user shall create a condition that endangers the health or safety of other persons

      • No member/user shall threaten any other person with damage to such person's property, or cause any other person to fear damage to her or his property.

      • No member/user shall engage in a course of vexatious conduct, harassment or discrimination that is directed at one or more specific persons and that is based on the age, race, colour, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, physical disability, mental disability, ethnic or national origin, family status, marital status, source of income, political belief or affiliation or activity of that person or of those with whom he or she associates.

      • No member/user shall engage in unwelcome or persistent conduct that the member knows, or ought to reasonably know, would cause another person to feel demeaned, intimidated or harassed.

      • No member/user shall take photos of any other members while at MakerLabs without their expressed consent.

      • No member/user shall take photos of any private studio spaces and the products within them without expressed consent from its respective members/users.

      • No member/user shall replicate another maker's work without expressed verbal or written authorization from the respective maker, and makers working on projects where Intellectual Property is concerned should take reasonable measure to keep affected projects from view.

2.) Respect Property

      • No member/user shall take without authorization, misuse, destroy, deface or damage the property of MakerLabs or of any of its members.

      • No member/user shall create a condition that unnecessarily endangers or threatens destruction of the property of MakerLabs or of any of its members.

      • No member/user may remove Makerlabs property, including tools, from the facility, unless authorized by Makerlabs staff

      • Members/users must return tools to their designated location after use

3.) Unauthorized Use of MakerLabs’ Facilities and Equipment

      • No member/user shall use the facility or equipment of MakerLabs, or enter or remain on any premises, to which he or she does not have legitimate access, or contrary to the expressed instruction of authorized persons.

      • No member/user with facility access will allow access to unauthorized persons. Only members with 24hours access may enter the building outside of regular business hours.

4.) Alcohol and Drug Use

      • No member/user may operate any tools/equipment owned by MakerLabs while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Use of illicit drugs at MakerLabs will not be tolerated and will result in the immediate suspension of all MakerLabs privileges.

5.) Conflict Resolution

      • Any person may make a complaint under this Code against any member/visitor for misconduct. A complaint must be addressed in writing to staff and shall contain:

        • the basis for the allegation;

        • relevant supporting documents, evidence and details (e.g. time and date(s) of the offence);

        • any other individual(s) with knowledge; and

        • names of witnesses, if any.

      • Whenever possible and appropriate, reasonable and informal measures shall be used to resolve issues of individual behaviour.

      • All complaints shall be submitted within 5 calendar days of the date that the offence is alleged to have occurred.

      • Upon receipt of a complaint, staff shall determine whether or not the complaint material supports a case that an offence has been committed. If no offence appears to have been made, no further steps are taken in relation to the complaint.

      • In the event that staff determine that the material supports a case, they shall convene a meeting with the respondent(s) to discuss the complaint and their response to the allegations.

      • Following the meeting, staff shall determine whether there is sufficient evidence to support a finding that the member/user has committed an offence, and if so, will determine which disposition will be most appropriate in the circumstances:

        • Informal Resolution (resolution of the complaint is mutually agreed upon among staff, the complainant and the respondent); or

        • Referral to the manager on duty.

      • If an informal disposition of the complaint results, such disposition shall be final, and there shall be no subsequent proceedings.

      • Where the parties attempt to resolve the complaint through an informal resolution, if an informal resolution cannot be reached parties can refer to the community management team by submitting an email to

      • If determined to have breached the Member Code of Conduct, the respondent may be refused service/membership by staff or required to forfeit membership by the manager on duty.